How to maintain a beautiful skin

What does your skin need to be healthy? How can you be sure that you are using the suitable skin care routine for your precious skin? Does skin type make a difference in the skin care you should be using? Just a few standard questions that almost every woman is thinking about in order to choose the perfect skin care routine and to maintain beautiful skin.
To start first thing you should know is your skin type. There are three main skin types: oily, combination and dry skin. Some people have specialized sensitive skin that requires specific skin care. The best way to find out your skin type is by knowing how oily is your skin. The best way to do this is to talk to a cosmetologist. If you go to a shop, the people behind the makeup counter can usually help you figure out your skin type.

Once when you know what is your skin type select skin care items that are specifically for it. That way you will take care of your skin and keep it beautiful for longer. Now you can start your three step skin care regime!
Step 1 is cleansing. It can be difficult to find the perfect cleanser for you, but when you find it you will know it. Until you feel it right, stick with it! Changing cleansers continuously could be very harsh for your skin. You should cleanse your face no more than two times a day, don’t over cleanse it. Use small amount of cleanser and lukewarm water and soft circular movements with your finger tips.

The second skin care stem is to exfoliate your skin. This is basically scrubbing your skin in order to remove the dead cells that are present on the top layer. These dead cells are damaging to your complexion, making you look tired and your skin less radiant. To exfoliate, us a scrub once a week in your skin care regimen. Use a scrub with small, gentle grains.

At last, you have to moisturise your skin. Well, if you have oily skin, now you are probably thinking this is the last thing I will do, but wait just a second, because what you are thinking is not right. You skin still needs a moisturiser, but of course for oily skin. A good moisturizer for oily skin will help you control the oiliness. And if you have tight dry skin you should absolutely use a moisturiser. When you have sufficient you will know.

What about toner? Toners are supposed to get rid of everything in your skin, such as oil and dirt. They are not necessary, provided a quality cleanser is used, because the cleanser will take care of these problems. But, toners are not all bad, so if you like including a toner in your skin care regimen, feel free to do so! But, if a toner appears to make your skin to dry, stop using it!

Just in case you are still thinking. These are very general steps and rules you should stick to in order to have a healty skin, but feel free to improvise any time and with any goods. Just be sure they are appropriate for your skin type.

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