Have a Perfect Prom Night with All These Helpful Hints

1. Don’t wait to ask your prom date. – No matter if the prom is a single month away or 4 months away, talk to your possible date out as soon as you are sure of it. It’s better to know early on if that person agree to or deny your invitation. Doing this you will be aware of the situation and you can start planning other things. And ladies, don’t wait to be asked out! If you have someone special in your mind, just don’t wait and ask that particular date.

2. Make a good color choice. – We are talking a lot about the colors and how it’s a fresh idea to go for bright dress. Anyways, there are limitations. The most essential thing is to make sure to pick the right color for you skin. It is by complementing your skin tone that the rest of your hard work and decisions will glow. Your prom images will also turn out great!

3. Yes, Length matters. – Although this season is all about showing some leg, it isn’t about having too high of a skirt or ending up with too long of a skirt. Make sure that you are comfortable with the length of your dress and take into consideration the height of your heels.If you are not sure, it is better to buy a longer dress, in that way you can make corrections if needed.

4. Don’t forget to accessorize. – The right accessories can make your prom look wonderful and stylish! It’s your night to shine and here is your chance to do so. You can do it either hair piece, a bracelet, a necklace, a earring, and so on. Just make sure you are not overembellished, but just enough to feel stunning and glamourous.

5. Don’t fight your locks. – You know how it goes. If you have a straight hair you want it wavy and if you have a curly hair you want it straight. It doesn’t matter what is your natural hair straight ot curly, style your hair accordingly. Since you can’t mess with mother nature, why not enhance it?

6. Do not over style. – It doesn’t matter how would you like your hair to be or your gown and accessories, don’t over do it. If you put too much things it’s very likely to turns out bad. It may be important to you to be trendy and we agree, but having too many trends for one night out can be too much. Rather, pick one or two of your favorite spring trends and from there create a look of your own.

7. Don’t forget the etiquette. – Believe it or not, manners and etiquette are of highly importance when it comes to prom or other official events of that kind.. You do not want to come across as rude or inconsiderate of other folks emotions. Most manners are common sense and are already instilled in you. There are things that are apropriate and thing that are not. If you are not very polite as a person, please review some list of social etiquette rules.

8. Don’t create a drama from your prom. – Prom does have its inconvenience and drama is one of its greatest. With prom, drama develops from clothing to date selections and everywhere in-between. Don’t make the things worse, everithing is normal! If things are getting really bad and your feelings got hurt, just take a break and get some fresh air. Things will work out in the end even if they turn out to be completely different than imagined. You surely don’t want to be remembered as the “drama momma”!

9. Don’t be late! – Prom night is undoubtedly a night that everyone tends to get carried away with. That doesn’t mean that those involved shouldn’t be excited, but time is a concern that needs to be number one. Don’t trow away all that hard work you have had put to schedule the things . Be 10-15 minutes earlier to your location. You don’t want to cause the rest of your prom group to wait on you and you surely don’t want to be left behind.

10. Don’t leave anything for the last minute. – It is very easy to start thinking if we just added something more, or redid our makeup, or added extra makeup, or even redid our hairdo, that it will be absolutely stunning and perfect. Stop before even you start doing it! It’s quite likely that you already look perfect and don’t need any retouches, particularly when the time is running out.

Since we know our bodies and see ourselves in the mirror everyday, it is normal for us to believe we do not look our complete best because we know what that looks like. That does not mean that you are not looking stunning in the other’s people eyes. Last minute retouches won’t make you any good. They even tend to create disasters, sometimes.. You definitely want to avoid this.

And remember the only thing you need, despite of your prom gown, your eye makeup, your hair, and accessories is your good mood and smile.

Check out the best selection of prom dresses for 2011 and find out a lots of useful tips for your prom here: promnightstyles.com

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